what are you doing right now

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My mom: "Could you turn down the music, all the windows are open and ppl can hear it in the streets..."

I closed the bloody windows...
I'm cooking tea, having a nice little glass of cider and watching the sun glow over the smashing hills and beautiful countryside where i live :)

I'm very lucky :|
MaidenMadness said:
i was reffering to the very same thing........towlie - collest south park character ever
The coolest one is Jimmy (or what's the name of the stubberin' handicap dude was...)
Love the episode where the boy's parodiced LOTR and tried to return the evil film (Backdoor Sluts 9) to the videorental-place. Jimmy was in the middle of the road when the six-grades came towards him with their bikes, and Jimmy stubberd: "You shall not paaaaa...You shal not pa-a-a-a... You shall nnnn...You shall not paa--aaa..." LOL LOL LOL
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