video games

So many games such limited space...

At the moment-

Battlefield Vietnam
TOCA Pro Race Driver 2
NASCAR 2003 Racing Series

Can't wait for GT4 either.
OK the ones I am doing at the moment
Gamecube: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes AGAIN (if the pad worked)
PS2: Dragonball z: Budokai and Sonic Heroes
and that's it I think
my bigest message coming up
i have played and got more games than any of u
fave series:sonic the hedgehog, final fantasy, metroid, zelda
desent games:resident evil, monkey ball animal crossing :err: sonic sonic sonic, f-zeros, gran turismos(cant wait for 4 :D )
currently playing
ps2: devil may cry 2
gamecube: animal crossing
GBA:zelda LTTP
on my comp: medal of honour
N64: castlevania legacy of darkness(all castlevanias rock)
snes:mario rpg :D
megadrive: sonic and knux
gamegear: sonic 2
dreamcast: jet set radio

and other stuff but i cant be bothered to type
i want manhunt
but its banned cus some kids killed somebody cus the game influenced them to do it :|
they were 10 yrs old playin an 18
its there own fault