video games

Here's my favourite games...

PC: Nethack 3.4, Elasto Mania 1.11hb, Pekka Kana 2

Super Nintendo: Legend Of Zelda - A Link To The Past, Secret Of Mana2

Sega: Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles

Nintendo 8bit: The Legend Of Zelda

Game Boy (orig., color, advance...): The Legend Of Zelda -Link's Awakening, The Legend Of Zelda - Oracle Of Ages/Season, Pokemon Ruby/Gold

game cube: Mario Kart double dash, Metroide Prime, waverace

GameBoy: Space invaders, pokemon yellow, mario kart, Tomb Raider
Any of the Legend of Zelda games, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Chrono Trigger, the Final Fantasy series, Sonic the Hedgehog :metal:

I still need to get Windwaker :oops: and then I have to buy the Sonic Mega-Collection for Game Cube. :D

I haven't played any of the more recent Final Fantasy games. I prefer the old ones with crappy graphics. :anorak:
Nothing will ever beat the might of such classic games as:

Horace Goes Skiing
Chucky Egg
Manic Miner
Jet Set Willy

And the glorious "Elite" :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Oh, and Battlezone in the Arcades, or first "Vector Graphics" version of "Star Wars", flying along the Death Star :D :D :D :D

Luckily i have a PS2 and Miss Bocky has an X Box, sowe now have the best gaming opportunities there are :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I like games ( Playing Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow at the moment :shock: , Go Sam :banana: )
wicker nomad said:
Ohhhhhh.... Chucky Egg and Pong :D

They were the BEST :banana:

They we're cool, but i wonder if anyone remembers "Gorph" on the old Atari, man that was hard. I had an "Intellivision" console inthe 80's it was great. It had a wicked Tron game :D
We had a commodore 64...I think thats what it was called :oops:

Paperboy was great :D

Gorph rings a bell.....but I can't remember what it was :oops:

Memory is fading with old age :x
on PS2 :

Ioo, GT3 (I'm waiting for GT4 for the next month :banana: ), medal of honor; en premiere ligne, halflife

on GBA :

metroïd fusion, castlevania, mario kart
Now on tequilla night we went over to my friend Sams house and they had this rad video game .. it was a super super old school one. It was called .. Lawnmower or something?? I dont know it was really old .. but it was so much fun.

My favorite video game was to be Monkey Balls :)