Thread or forum for Euro 2004

BoBo said:
We had more success in 70's and 80's when players were not allowed to play for foreign teams until they were 27-28. And much less money was involved abck then. Now with 3-4 mil. euros we must be happy if we go to the 2nd round of UEFA cup.
...and if we don't disgrace ourselves aginst teams that are currently stronger than hajduk but historicly aren't close to hajduks achievements(mallorca, roma,.....)
now reflection euro 2004
do you think croatia stands any chance aginst england? i think that england isn't better than croatia. we are about even only difference is that english players have bigger reputations than miki rapajic for instance. but rapajic himself is more taleneted than whole english midfield together. the question is does he have strenght in him to keep up with obviosly physicly stroinger england team