wicker nomad said:I don't know what you're talking about :err:
He will be soon :evil:the_nomad said:go to bed now :x :x :x
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nothe_nomad said:go to bed now :x :x :x
wicker nomads son said:busted :evil: :evil:
bugger :|rockin_plumber said::| I saw it too
i hate busted they are craprockin_plumber said:LOL LOL LOL Lukes a Busted fan
I bet you werewhen they split up LOL LOL LOL
I have LOLthe_nomad said:hey wicky speak with this bad boy :evil:
busted are a bunch of wankerswicker nomads son said:they are bollox bollox bolloxsorry for going off tiny but they are still bollox
:shock: :x :|wicker nomads son said:busted are a bunch of wankers
sorrywicker nomad said::shock: :x :|
wicker nomads son said:sorry
rockin_plumber said:You think that excuses you from all those expletives :|
I think the least you could do is the hoovering for the next 2 weeks
Washing up for 1 week
Wash the car Saturday
& Mow the lawn Sunday :|
:evil:wicker nomads son said:shhhh you will give mum ideas