the thread free of moderator intrusion(EXCEPT FOR JON)

rockin_plumber said:
Somehow I dont think Jon will be impressed :|
well if anyone will get banned it will be me :D

but in my defence i have to say that this thread showed more life in 20 mins than the rest of the board whole week
I have another pic too... It's not as digusting as the Assman. I can post it 'cause Cyrus isn't here...
MaidenMadness said:
hmmmmm knowing your personality i can't wait until cyrus returns :evil:
I replaced the pic of a ass to a pic of a ass. Now the comments fit too LOL LOL LOL (I'm so gonna get banned... :err: )
Deleted the last pic too... now everyone are happy :D
...if that matters 'cause this plaCE IS DEAD :x