The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg

pleasent surprise
tbh i expected something among the lines of rainmaker extended to 7 minutes (damn that would be the torture)
but regardless of unmaidenesque sound its a good song. very good.
and the video is just :edbarf:
Ben said:
Futhermore, I agree with you, Edge_Of_The_Wire.

So while we are agreeing........

I agree with the thread starter Bockaaarck.....
He is a wise man 8)

I also agree with afraidtoshooteddie & wicky & Ben & Frenchy

& MaidenMadness......... I wonder how he is :?
edge_of_the_wire said:
The point is that Maiden's B**ch loves both the song and video and so do I. Don't you get it, Ben and rockin_plumber?

No I dont get it e**e_of_t*e_w**e LOL

But while we are on about getting things........

swe dont have anyone posting in this thread called Maiden's B**ch :|

or are you confusing this with the same person who is Maiden's Bitch :?
edge_of_the_wire said:
The point is that Maiden's B**ch loves both the song and video and so do I. Don't you get it, Ben and rockin_plumber?

Sorry, you must be confusing me with someone who actually gives a fuck :|