The person above you game

Rockhardchick666 said:
^ doesn't know I'm natorious for sitting in the halways 5 minutes to class time doing homework....its only sci hum anyways

^^^ is really sensitive about slagging off David James LOL
rockin_plumber said:
^^^ Doesn't come here often but is still the same SDG :P
^^^ will soon have my rebellion on him
or ill make one about the hate towards old ppl who dont like teens
rockin_plumber said:
^^^ is really sensitive about slagging off David James LOL
is wrong I am really sensitive about slagging off to any player, espacilly keepers, it just happens that James is like, my favourite keeper
Rockhardchick666 said:
is wrong I am really sensitive about slagging off to any player, espacilly keepers, it just happens that James is like, my favourite keeper

^^^ didn't realise that is why I said wot I did :P