The person above you game

Rockhardchick666 said:
^^ doesn't relise they never leave

^^ Is actually the person behind this wave of hidden users .. got all her friends to log onto this site as either a hidden user or guest .. just to cause rockin grief.
sketchy said:
^^ Is actually the person behind this wave of hidden users .. got all her friends to log onto this site as either a hidden user or guest .. just to cause rockin grief.
^^^doesn't know how to keep a secret :err:
sketchy said:
^^ Is actually the person behind this wave of hidden users .. got all her friends to log onto this site as either a hidden user or guest .. just to cause rockin grief.

big liar....really big liar :err:
the_nomad said:
^^^^^^^^^^this thread is definitely not done for me 'coz I really understand nothing :x :x ^^^^^^

^^^ Does not understand this thread still LOL LOL LOL

Look Nomad :|

When you post you make a comment about the person who last posted :|

As I did :roll: