The Big Brother Addicts Thread

Ben said:
Whats been going on? Seeing as my mum is on holiday I've not been watching it, honest :P

It's fake week...

They are putting a new housemate in on sunday, the housemates have seen her on the screen being told she was not being evicted from the Aussie BB house but going to the UK house..... but she's English and it's a load of bollocks.

That's not the evil bit though, this is ...

Next weeks eviction is fake....they will get evicted, go through the interview with Davina.... while the housemates watch on the screen LOL

Then they will get put back in the house :shock: :evil:

Hope it's Charley :D
Another week of Charley
rockin_plumber said:
Someone will talk about nominations..........
And she will escape AGAIN :|
If BB find a way to save her I will stop watching :| When she's yelling she sounds like a fukin machine gun :|
Message for Charley fans on the BB forum .....

there is a party on friday night to celebrate charley's eviction at:

The phone box at the corner of the street
all to meet inside the phone box at 10.0pm after she has been evicted. There is enough space for all fans (phone box holds 4 people of reasonably skinnyness). That should be more than enough :D
