The Big Brother Addicts Thread

wicker nomad said:
I didn't see or hear him :| Luke was standing in front of the telly talking :x

Well he nominated Science.... so he shouted like him...

Then he nominated Orlaith..... so he spoke Irish....

Then he barked like a dog LOL
rockin_plumber said:
Well he nominated Science.... so he shouted like him...

Then he nominated Orlaith..... so he spoke Irish....

Then he barked like a dog LOL

I'll try and remember to watch the repeat in the morning :oops:
wicker nomad said:
Can't imagine living with Science :shock: He never shuts up :shock: :|

My mum said I can be like him when I go on a rant :shock: :shock: :shock: I'm not THAT bad :shock: :shock: I just rant, swear, go upstairs and air my frustrations on the internet LOL
I have an idea! We run in there, shoot Science, then run back out like nothing happened. No-one will know except the millions watching there Televisions!
The#2RY said:
I have an idea! We run in there, shoot Science, then run back out like nothing happened. No-one will know except the millions watching there Televisions!

:shock: Ryan !!!!