The Big Brother Addicts Thread

wicker nomad said:
Tonights task looks fun :D

They should have failed the human buzzer :|

Stuart was touching the straps on the helmet, and the rules clearly stated
that no-one was to touch the helmet, and the straps IMO are part of the
helmet :|

Task Failed :|
wicker nomad said:
:shock: can't say what cos Rockin would kill me!! :D

but :shock: :shock: :shock:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Are you on about that strange person that has appeared in the house
wicker nomad said:
:shock: just seen the nominations :shock: I really didn't think it would be who it is :shock:
OMG OMG OMG :shock:
How can this TV-program be so cool!!! :shock:
I couldn't live without it!!!!
Stuart was touching the straps on the helmet, and the rules clearly stated
that no-one was to touch the helmet, and the straps IMO are part of the
helmet... SO THEY FAILED!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG :shock: :shock:
