The all new what are you doing now thread

manic said:
what stuff :err:
we tryed to make a go-kart but all the wheels fell off and went under a car
and the latest craze is stealing dust caps off cars
im not doing it its stupid
im happy with my dice one
all my mates kkep saying "Huh huh huh! Lets steal dusties!"

it get's boring...I haven't done it though....
rockin_plumber said:
If someone stole mine and I cought em I would make em eat the fukin things :x
you should move up here
it would be well good
the craze would end :banana: and the new craze (choking which rockin started) will sweep the nation :banana:
manic said:
you should move up here
it would be well good
the craze would end :banana: and the new craze (choking which rockin started) will sweep the nation :banana:

And maybe I would make them wash em down witha glass of engine
oil :evil: