The all new what are you doing now thread

MaidenMadness said:
the damned will be very happy at that. they will all go like"yey satan is finished. now thi guy is a pushover. i mean for christs sake. judas here betrayed jesus, hitler killed 6 million jews(and he would go to heaven if jesus was a palestinian instead of a jew :D) so who does this guy think he is if he wants to command us. forces of damned riase against this mockery of a king of damned forces, kill him and lets make a party " :D
they could do
but i will give them free stickers so they like me :D
wicker nomad said:
LOL Do you think that will be enough of a bribe :?
think about it
how many people have died and gone to hell
its uncountable
i cant afford to kit out
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ ppl
i could bribe the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse to help
and a load of alcoytes whatever they r called
manic said:
think about it
how many people have died and gone to hell
its uncountable
i cant afford to kit out
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ ppl
i could bribe the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse to help
and a load of alcoytes whatever they r called
what's a little bribe compared to freedom that lasts for whole eternity :?
and then there were 2(or 3 has maniac left as well. didn't see his name now it said: users browsing this forum: MaidenMadness, wicker nomad ) :?
MaidenMadness said:
and then there were 2(or 3 has maniac left as well. didn't see his name now it said: users browsing this forum: MaidenMadness, wicker nomad ) :?
manic is still here
MaidenMadness said:
what's a little bribe compared to freedom that lasts for whole eternity :?
good thinking
i will
form a rebellion before kickin satans ass
with all the cool ppl
the maiden crew
michael jackson (dont worry he will be the shield that we throw at satan)
then before i kick his ass
tell all the undead that if they kill all the people on earth and bring an end to the human race then we will slaughter satan and set them eternerly free

thought u said that i couldnt destroy civilisation :evil: lol
MaidenMadness said:
and then there were 2(or 3 has maniac left as well. didn't see his name now it said: users browsing this forum: MaidenMadness, wicker nomad ) :?
im not gone
im just a figment of ur imagination
and the names Manic :x
manic said:
good thinking
i will
form a rebellion before kickin satans ass
with all the cool ppl
the maiden crew
michael jackson (dont worry he will be the shield that we throw at satan)
then before i kick his ass
tell all the undead that if they kill all the people on earth and bring an end to the human race then we will slaughter satan and set them eternerly free

thought u said that i couldnt destroy civilisation :evil: lol
they can't slaughter all of people without satan's approval. and without any people left to worship him what's it all worth to satan? :?
MaidenMadness said:
they can't slaughter all of people without satan's approval. and without any people left to worship him what's it all worth to satan? :?
no thats why its called a rebelion
i got a massive long explanation but i cant be bothered to type it
i have thought this out long and hard
manic said:
u called me maniac :|
get one thing straight i am Manic
bet u dont even know what Manic is do u
manic is a person effected by mania which is an excitement of psyhotic propertions manifested by mental and psyhic hyperactivity, disorganisation of behaviour and raise of mood.

i read the entire psyhological dictionary a couple of years back and i do know what manic is probably better then you :wink:
manic said:
no thats why its called a rebelion
i got a massive long explanation but i cant be bothered to type it
i have thought this out long and hard
i see only one tinsy winsy error in your plan. satan knows all. he can do almost anything. so he can stop you if he thiniks you're too dangereous. and since you are still alive that means that probably you aren't a treath to him.