The all new what are you doing now thread

Bockaaarck said:
How're you doing today :)
peachy, kinda tired though, and school starts in 9 days...... and then I gotta wake up at 7:00 compaired to 10:30 :cry: we shall see how that works LOL

and how bout you bocky how you doin?
Rockhardchick666 said:
peachy, kinda tired though, and school starts in 9 days...... and then I gotta wake up at 7:00 compaired to 10:30 :cry: we shall see how that works LOL

and how bout you bocky how you doin?

Pretty good, having a good day at work, been fairly productive today so that's cool :)

I must go to the Gym tonight :| , but my knee's been playing up. So if i go i'm just going to take it gentle for the first hour :)
Bockaaarck said:
Pretty good, having a good day at work, been fairly productive today so that's cool :)

I must go to the Gym tonight :| , but my knee's been playing up. So if i go i'm just going to take it gentle for the first hour :)

you have bad knees aswell.....I hate that
and biking doesn't hurt your knees, you can bike for an hour :)
Rockhardchick666 said:
you have bad knees aswell.....I hate that
and biking doesn't hurt your knees, you can bike for an hour :)

I normally bike for around 20 minutes to warm up, then hit the step and climb machine thingy ( :err: ) for around 20 mins. Do some weights for 45 mins and then row for around 15 mins, that pretty much covers everything for me.

I try and go every other day if i can, i always feel really good after going to the gym :banana:
Bockaaarck said:
I normally bike for around 20 minutes to warm up, then hit the step and climb machine thingy ( :err: ) for around 20 mins. Do some weights for 45 mins and then row for around 15 mins, that pretty much covers everything for me.

I try and go every other day if i can, i always feel really good after going to the gym :banana:

aye, I feel super great after the gym :oops: probably why I have to go for a 3k run after.....I get so much energy after 's just me and u i've seen!
Mine were good except that I was in Florida when hurricane Charley hit it so I had to evacuate from the island where I was!
Luckily the hurricane passed a bit south of the island so it didn't caused damage there....but in florida it caused 15 billion dollars of damage! :shock:
maiden89 said:
Luckily the hurricane passed a bit south of the island so it didn't caused damage there....but in florida it caused 15 billion dollars of damage! :shock:

thats crazy, we just got the winds from it afterwards.... Jesus, 15 billion, thats brutal