The all new what are you doing now thread

hey every one

:D :cry: i want a new phone but im skint
i found a cool one
catch is u put 15 quid on and if u dont spend it in 30 days it disappears :shock:
i dont know what to do
Rockhardchick666 said:
so talk 15 quid worth
:| surpose
but then i will get carried away and talk for ages
in total its gonna cost me £170 a year just on calls and txts and stuf
manic said:
:| surpose
but then i will get carried away and talk for ages
in total its gonna cost me £170 a year just on calls and txts and stuf
but by then i will want a new phone LOL
Rockhardchick666 said:
LOL mine got run over last year :| , I never got one again
u can have my old one
i'll throw it as hard as i can to canada
i only want it for the gadgets and stuff :P