The all new what are you doing now thread

Bockaaarck said:
Why :?

Is it rubbish :|

I thought it was, and everyone else that was in the theatre thought it was too, but to everyone their own opinion, maybe you'll really like it, but if you're going for a scare, you're going to the wrong movie
Rockhardchick666 said:
I thought it was, and everyone else that was in the theatre thought it was too, but to everyone their own opinion, maybe you'll really like it, but if you're going for a scare, you're going to the wrong movie

Okey doke :D
Rockhardchick666 said:
I'm personally stoaked about the new exorcist movie comming out

I have to be honest, it takes a lot to get me to the movies these day's. Its probably cos i'm a miserable git :x . The problem is, i think the majority of films i've seen released in the last 10 years have been shite

But then again, as you've pointed out, that's only an opinion. I get a bit fed up of the same old plots being re-hashed and re-done. Or re-makes being made of classic films for no other reason than to provide some hollywood numpty with an ego trip and to make a few million dollars out of the less discerning members of the public :x

There you go :) i feel better now

I'm going to sit down and watch Zulu this afternoon :D

Bockaaarck said:
Just watched a trailer for "The Village"

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Its given me the wobbles, i can tell you :shock:

i wanna go see that film it looks mint

.... bocky a 12A scared you
its for people 12 or with an adult
Bockaaarck said:
Your point being :?


the point being not many people are surposed to be scared of it
little kids can get in
what does that tell ya
that little kids have more guts than bocky