The all new what are you doing now thread

wicker nomad said:
rockin_plumber said:
Any news on ur racing buddy Bocky :?

They've moved him down to Taunton Hospital early last week, so he's closer to home. He's still poorly, but a hell of a lot better than he was. It doesn't look like there's any major damage, but he's still rough. I would guess he'll be in there for a month or two.

Considering he actually got thrown out of his car, he's a feckin lucky bastard. It makes it a lot easier for Jennie and the Kids, i think they all feel a lot happier :)

So its looking a lot better thanks :D
Bockaaarck said:
They've moved him down to Taunton Hospital early last week, so he's closer to home. He's still poorly, but a hell of a lot better than he was. It doesn't look like there's any major damage, but he's still rough. I would guess he'll be in there for a month or two.

Considering he actually got thrown out of his car, he's a feckin lucky bastard. It makes it a lot easier for Jennie and the Kids, i think they all feel a lot happier :)

So its looking a lot better thanks :D

Thats good news then.

I take it he is outta the coma now then :?
Bockaaarck said:
They've moved him down to Taunton Hospital early last week, so he's closer to home. He's still poorly, but a hell of a lot better than he was. It doesn't look like there's any major damage, but he's still rough. I would guess he'll be in there for a month or two.

Considering he actually got thrown out of his car, he's a feckin lucky bastard. It makes it a lot easier for Jennie and the Kids, i think they all feel a lot happier :)

So its looking a lot better thanks :D
whoa whos this
rockin_plumber said:
Thats good news then.

I take it he is outta the coma now then :?

Yep, he's been so heavily sedated for weeks because of the concerns they had over brain injury. So they brought him out of the coma about 12/13 days ago, and let him stabalise for a few days before they decided he was well enough to come back down to this neck of the woods :)
Bockaaarck said:
Yep, he's been so heavily sedated for weeks because of the concerns they had over brain injury. So they brought him out of the coma about 12/13 days ago, and let him stabalise for a few days before they decided he was well enough to come back down to this neck of the woods :)

That is good then :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

They wouldn't have bought him out of it yet if they didn't think he was ready
for it then :)

I hope all carrys on going well :)
Bockaaarck said:
They've moved him down to Taunton Hospital early last week, so he's closer to home. He's still poorly, but a hell of a lot better than he was. It doesn't look like there's any major damage, but he's still rough. I would guess he'll be in there for a month or two.

Considering he actually got thrown out of his car, he's a feckin lucky bastard. It makes it a lot easier for Jennie and the Kids, i think they all feel a lot happier :)

So its looking a lot better thanks :D
That's great :)

Btw...I had Luke in Taunton Hospital.........a good piece of useless information :err:
rockin_plumber said:
That is good then :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

They wouldn't have bought him out of it yet if they didn't think he was ready
for it then :)

I hope all carrys on going well :)

I hope so, he's still finding it difficult to speak, and he's still dealing with an infection he got on his lung. But fingers crossed, if he takes it steady and continues to improve, he'll be back to "normal" :roll: soon ( i hope :| )