afraidtoshooteddie said:
:? I'm not a member of the IMOC/BB any more :|
Was it a good rant?
This is the jist of it Fraidy, there's a thread on the IMOC:
"It really pisses me off" and the first post it this:
when people the the piss out of disabled people
Its not big, It's not clever!?!
And then a little way in to the thread i put this:
"Humanity has always made a habit of making its most vulnerable members the subject of ridicule and derision
I used to think that maybe if you explained things to those people, maybe if you gave them an understanding of what it was like to suffer from a disability, or racial prejudice, or poverty or anything like that, that they would then understand the error of their ways and change.
But no, they don't understand, sadly because they are unable to understand, due to their limited intelligence. Its a sad fact that not all men and women were created equal, this is particularly true of mental ability and social understanding, along with the ability to accept others for what they are, not what you think they should be.
It makes me feel very sad, i really do believe, more now than ever before that there is a social and moral underclass in this nation"
Which is possibly a bit judgemental of me, but there we go :err:
Then some dude quoted me and put the following:
True. But on the other hand, in the nature, the most vulnerable individuals are not tolerated at all - they become the victims of predators, in some cases of their own kind.
Of course I have nothing against physically disabled people... you never know, I may become like that one day (though I might as well take my life then). I always pity them and try to help them if I can. But (seriously) mentally disabled people... even if you make fun of them, it won't offend them, if you talk to them, they won't understand... are they people at all? They have human bodies, but no human mind...
EDIT: To avoid misunderstanding, please read the next few posts as well!"
So he has edited his post, since our little conversation :roll: , but my initial response to his post was thus:
"What you say about them not knowing they are being made fun of 'may' be true, but does that make it right? Is it ok to mock people because they are weak, is it ok to exclude them from society because they cannot communicate in a manner which we can interpret?
Just because someone is seemingly unable to respond or react does that then make them 'surplus to requirements' and therefore a buredn to society. That's the impression i get from what you are typing, should we just get rid of them?
One of our best know Sport personalities in this county is a lady called Tanni Grey-Thompson. She was born with spina bifida, but that didn't hold her back, she became a fantastic athlete, winning 17 Paralymipc Medals in her career. Another is Ade Adeptan, a former Great Britain Wheelchair Basketball player, Paralympics and Paralympic World cup Medal winner and now a well know TV presenter with a fantastic career, are these people helpless and worthless, do they need our help? are they a burden?
I will mention Joey Deacon, a man you will not know, but British people of my age will remember (for various reasons). He was in a home for years, suffering from cerebral palsy. This restricted his ability to control his movements and severely affected his ability to communicate, many carers thought he was mentally unable to do anything.
He was institutionalised for years until another 'disabled' man realsied he could understand what Joey was trying to say. Between them and two of their 'disabled' friends they set about writting a book about their lives, which was published and extremely successful. It allowed them to buy their own home and receive the highest levels of care for the rest of their lives.........yet following your thought process, they would have been thrown on the rubbish dump as nothing but worthless?
Because that's what you're saying isn't it?
I think you need to carefully assess what you've just written and consider the wider implications of what that kind of mindset could lead to"
He then posted this, which has again been edited from his original post
"The achievements of the people you [edit: Bockaaarck] mentioned are a proof that they ARE a part of our society and deserve to be treated as such. I haven't said they should be "thrown on the rubbish dump as nothing but worthless" - but sometimes I'm wondering. Isn't life for these [well, not these, but other mentally disabled] people some kind of torture?
And I mean illnesses that make people basically unable to think in any way - if one can express a thought somehow [edit: referring to Joey Deacon], this means that this person is a real person. But in some cases people are just bodies, with no thoughts - the most serious cases of mental ilnesses.
I know the way I sometimes think about this matter is very cruel. But on the other hand, these are the laws of nature and if there hadn't been some sort of natural selection, there would have been no evolution and we'd be some worms...
P. S. Thanks for the reply, it seems this is gonna be an interesting discussion."
So i then put this, it annoys me when people try Weasel out of stuff :|
"I think i understand what you are trying to say, although i am not sure i agree with your view. Yes no doubt there are some people who are so severely mentally or physically disabled that they perhaps suffer in terrible pain and isolation, which, if that is the case, could be seen as a terribly distressing life condition to find anyone in.
I have to agree that in reference to the 'laws of nature', in the past a lot of people suffering in this way would not have survived at all. However we are now at a stage of human evolution where a lot of people with severe difficulties are surviving and living beyond those first few days/weeks after their birth.
Quite rightly they are given medical care when they are born to help them survive and live. It may well be that the medical team and probably the parents are aware that their child may have difficulties of some kind. But it may not be possible to assess the level of 'disablity' that a newly born child is suffering from within that short period of time.
It may not be totally possible to assess the condition of that child for months or even possibly several of their early years. So what do we do when the child reaches their first or second birthday and the Doctors tell the parents "I'm sorry, your child will never progress mentally or physically from their current state" ? What do we do with the child then?
My personal view as a compassionate human being, is that we have an ability and duty to care for those less fortunate than ourselves,. because they are us, they are part of what and who we are. We are no longer relient on or at the mercy of 'natural selection' in its most basic form. Because we understand it as a process which occurs and can therefore influence it by our own actions and interactions with humankind around us.
I for example no longer need to be able to wrestle a Sabre Tooth tiger to get to the hunting grounds. I just need to be able to pay for the petrol to 'put a tiger in my tank' (old Esso joke there),so i can get to work."
Mmm, then he basically decided to put this:
"Very well said!
I can't say that my view is that society shall get rid of even of the most hopeless cases - I don't know, I don't have a very clear opinion on the subject.
And what you said is absolutely true - that you can't tell the extent of the disability, which in turn implies that we must take care of everyone."
And then he did his Weasely editing :|
So there you go Fraidy, you're no all up to date