tha happy thread

rockin_plumber said:
Well that means they will go on General sale.....
If you can through to the ticket office :x
well eat a fair share of beans and don't wash for couple of days before you try getting the tix
that should improve your rank in the line :D
MaidenMadness said:
well eat a fair share of beans and don't wash for couple of days before you try getting the tix
that should improve your rank in the line :D


and say : who farted :?
rockin_plumber said:
:err: you have to phone up
oh well

in croatia you would usually try thinking of somebody whom you could use as a string, connection so you could get the ticket..if you couldn't think of anybody you would try to get it in the normal way. and if you are left without a ticket you would spend the rest of the week mouning at the fuckers that got their tix through some strings, connections and how people like that don't give an honest man like you any chance

if unsure string, connection as in:
my brother's friend's sister-in-law is a next door neighbour of a guy who went to school with the guy who is a director in the company that is a major sponsor of the whole event
rockin_plumber said:
You get it worse though LOL
who us in croatia?
no see the great thing about croatia is that you can ALWAYS get the tickets for leauge matches no hassle

the bad thing about croatia though is that sometimes leauge matches in croatia aren't the safest place to be :wink:

nt matches are totaly opposite
Yeah i got "The Trooper" :edheadbang: , i'm very happy because of that :bananarock: , the pic is on thread Our life's photos
26 hour and 30 minutes 'till helloween's concert :banana: :banana:
finally i'll see them.
it's first metal band I've ever listen.
I start to listen them before 4 years
Ivan said:
26 hour and 30 minutes 'till helloween's concert :banana: :banana:
finally i'll see them.
it's first metal band I've ever listen.
I start to listen them before 4 years

:banana: :banana: :banana:
Ivan said:
26 hour and 30 minutes 'till helloween's concert :banana: :banana:
finally i'll see them.
it's first metal band I've ever listen.
I start to listen them before 4 years

it should a good thing if they only play some material of the 3 keepers....
MaidenMadness said:
:bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance:

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
is that for helloween?
great concert :banana: