Tapers and traders info

I'm a complete leech: I do no taping, just trading. :P Sorry to all the awesome fans out there who actually do something to help this hobby out. I'd just rather not miss seeing a show just because some asshole bouncer wants to toss me for trying to make my own souvenir. :x

LOL maybe there is less people on this forum but at least it doesn't crash every year
I always wanted to see a listing of traders' www on a maiden related web site. Why can't we do this here?
Nice to see new members here. Specially big traders.

I have suggestion for you and darthrya. I can give you software with which you can check your CDs very fast for mp3 source. You can rip one track from audio CD and checjk freq. analysis. You don't have to use any other program.
BoBo said:
Nice to see new members here. Specially big traders.

I have suggestion for you and darthrya. I can give you software with which you can check your CDs very fast for mp3 source. You can rip one track from audio CD and checjk freq. analysis. You don't have to use any other program.

I have used Cool Edit Pro to do frequ analysis on occasion.
Thing is most of my stuff never gets played on my computer. I listen to it in my stereo, dvd player, or at work.
On the few I have done checks on for other traders, half the time it is still hard to tell source.
Perhaps in a couple more years, I will put my daughter to work on checking every show for me.
BoBo said:
Nice to see new members here. Specially big traders.

I have suggestion for you and darthrya. I can give you software with which you can check your CDs very fast for mp3 source. You can rip one track from audio CD and checjk freq. analysis. You don't have to use any other program.

I'll take it. Anything that is simple to use is fine. If I like it, I'll probably analyze all my shows eventually since some people really are concerned about this. Just email it to me, or if you have to mail it, email me for my addy. Thanks.