speaking to myself.......

the_nomad said:
good son :wink:

oops :D(it's better)
Can't sleep :|

Played puter games, but no good. Watched TV, but there's only rubbish on. Read a book, excellent book, but i've finished it now :(

Still awake :( I hate not being able to sleep, especially when i like sleeping and being in my bed :D
I know how you feel man, i'm having the same problem tonight, weird hey :shock: :)

What computer game did you play? Any good :? Wht book we're you reading :)
I was playing Red Dead Revolver, its way cool :D

Set in the Wild West and you get to have gunfights and stuff. When you shoot the baddies they say things like........

"See you in hell :x ....."


"You're the one who should die, coward :shock: ....."

and thay also say things like

"I'm lookin at a dead man :x ........"


I'm gonna fill you full of lead :x ....."

Which to me, sound like the sort of things that proper cowboys should say :D . I've just finished reading Private Peaceful, which is a good little book :)

Didn't help me sleep though :(
stokedasagoat said:
See, acknowledgement that you are here. that's great.

I even corrected my post so it said SAAG :D Its pretty hot where i am, got the fan on and the windows open, still to hot :shock:
Bockaaarck said:
I even corrected my post so it said SAAG :D Its pretty hot where i am, got the fan on and the windows open, still to hot :shock:

aye. even hot here early morning. 03:00. hahaha. where are you from Bocky because I've never known...
stokedasagoat said:
aye. even hot here early morning. 03:00. hahaha. where are you from Bocky because I've never known...

The land of Cheese :err:

Or as its more correctly known, Cheddar in Somerset, where Cheese was invented :D

Oh and Cider ws invented here as well :banana:
Bockaaarck said:
The land of Cheese :err:

Or as its more correctly known, Cheddar in Somerset, where Cheese was invented :D

Oh and Cider ws invented here as well :banana:

Ahh great. Cider to me is fizzy piss. LOL . That's great. The land of cheese. 8)