speaking to myself.......

Rockhardchick666 said:
okay, what are you confused about....spill my friend
I will not spill you 'bout my ex... She just sent me couple text messages and I'm just thinking the mysterious minds of women...
We can talk about bananacakes..? :D
ewil said:
I will not spill you 'bout my ex... She just sent me couple text messages and I'm just thinking the mysterious minds of women...
We can talk about bananacakes..? :D

we have mysterious minds.....hmmmmm, havent heard that one before, sure banana cake can work
Rockhardchick666 said:
haha yeap :D
Goooooooood... :evil:
I don't really have one, or even a bathtub... I don't also have that biiig bed with those silk sheets and the sunset... Man can wish thou...
ewil said:
what kinda dreams? sweet dreams or wet dreams... :evil: uuuu... naughty... :wink:

LOL hahaha....you are such a monkey..... LOL and they make these little face look like they could be munching on somthing.....hmmmmm
Rockhardchick666 said:
awe, Ewil, I have to go......I will see you later, I might sneek on late tonight, but you should be in bed anyways;) night night hun
OK then... I think that I'll go to bed now :)
Night, hun :edkiss: