Well-Known Member
You tell meAre you going somewhere nice
You tell meAre you going somewhere nice
You tell me
I'm giving my notice soon
If they can be professional I'll work until the final day. If they flip out and fire me I won't care. View attachment 1222
There's nothing that can pass for food here. You should get groceries View attachment 1415
I got all this healthy food.You could do that as youre probably looking for something to do at the moment
I was able to watch it with no problemsAn arty(ish) post from me....
For TG to mull over....
It might not work though....
It might be geo-locked as its a BBC link
BBC Arty Farty Link
I thought it was quite impressive anyway
That may have been a bit too much Rush all at once, ehLet's listen to some Rush, a glorious Canadian band, eh
Alright, alrightHey you, get some more posts in >:[