speaking to myself.......

life sux :|
everything dies today
my cat
my friends cousin got killed
and my hope of a decent world
it sux
we live to feel pain
we live to get attached to something that will die
keep emotion out your life and your fine
manic said:
life sux :|
everything dies today
my cat
my friends cousin got killed
and my hope of a decent world
it sux
we live to feel pain
we live to get attached to something that will die
keep emotion out your life and your fine

some things are good after all :|
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
the_nomad said:
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
my life is painting
mine will be soon :|
the_nomad said:
for me it's 'paint in white LOL
I don't know what colour it will be for me!!

The only white paint in my house is in the bathroom so I can see the spiders easier!

The rest of the house is VERY colourful :banana:
wicker nomad said:
I don't know what colour it will be for me!!

The only white paint in my house is in the bathroom so I can see the spiders easier!

The rest of the house is VERY colourful :banana:
that spider would be reall scary... :evil: