Shocked Thread

the_nomad said:
killy is 15 years old and his sister (julie) will have 10 on next friday :shock:

I didn't see time pass

It was the Vin Rouge which caused that problem LOL


wicker nomad said:
yep :D

Just got back from Safeways...fuckin knackered :| Need 5 mins of Maiden World to recover LOL

Was it busy.............

Did you make the big mistake of going to the supermarket around closing time :roll:
rockin_plumber said:
Was it busy.............

Did you make the big mistake of going to the supermarket around closing time :roll:
Nope :p Wasn't overly busy...just shopping with both the kids is hard work!
haven't been to puter all day :shock:

finnish weboperator updated their stuff and they were down :oops: