edge_of_the_wire said:
Why is the golden eagle so-called?
The Golden Eagle is so called from the golden red feathers on the head
and nape of the neck. It seems to have established a prescriptive right,
though on what exclusively sufficient grounds it might be difficult to say, to
the proud appellation of the king of birds, as the Tiger, in the
corresponding predatory class among quadrupeds, has obtained that
of 'Royal.' The epithet would however be more appropriately conferred
upon the Lion, 'huic des nominis hujus honorem,' to whom many noble
qualities, to be looked for in vain either in the Tiger or the Eagle, have in
all ages, been attributed, though whether even in his case justly, is more
than doubtful. The Golden Eagle is rather a Vulture than a true Falcon.
The appearance, however, of this bird, is certainly very noble and
majestic, though not more so, perhaps, than that of many others of its
family, and if his aspect is fine in the only state in which we can have an
opportunity of observing him closely, how much more striking would it
appear, if we could, ourselves unseen, behold him in his state of nature,
standing on the outermost projection of some overhanging precipice of the
mountain, and looking out with his large and piercingly lustrous eye into
the far distance below, for some quarry on which to stoop, for his own
food, or that of his young ones in the nest.