R.I.P henny lizzy :cross:

and find its place now :D

Frenchy said:
henny makes a egg everyday, so not in ill yet :banana: :banana: :banana:
maybe it is disieased and the eggs have bird flu as well :wink:
i mean it takes a while for any virus to get active
depending on the surroudnings you can get a virus today but it may stay hidden for as long as it wants and lets say after 10 years it activates and boom
you're no more :wink:
MaidenMadness said:
maybe it is disieased and the eggs have bird flu as well :wink:
i mean it takes a while for any virus to get active
depending on the surroudnings you can get a virus today but it may stay hidden for as long as it wants and lets say after 10 years it activates and boom
you're no more :wink:

the good thing, it's that it eats well :wink: