rockin_plumber said:
Have you always had this sympathy for Tigers MM??

Or has something you seen made you feel this way about them all of a sudden.

started when i was 10 i bought this magazine and in it there was a poster of a tiger and an ecological message on how endangered some species of tigers are.
had it on the wall of my room up until 2 years ago when i switched rooms and was forced to throw all of my posters out :cry:
MaidenMadness said:

started when i was 10 i bought this magazine and in it there was a poster of a tiger and an ecological message on how endangered some species of tigers are.
had it on the wall of my room up until 2 years ago when i switched rooms and was forced to throw all of my posters out :cry:
They are the most beautiful creatures on earth :banana: I was the covered in tiger pics when I was younger....took them down to make space for Maiden :err:
does anybody know a site with lyrics something like darklyrics only for non metal music(rush, emerson lake & palmer, genesis....that kind of nonmetal music)

to further describe what i need is a site where all the lyrics of the songs on an album are on a single web page and not each song on its own page