rockin_plumber said:
Have you got Sky wicky :?

If so has ur "Scuzz" been a bit shit the last couple of days......
Mine keeps breaking up......... UNWATCHABLE :x
Mines been ok
wicker nomad said:
Mines been ok
Ivan said:
my dad hates that cos I allways watch 3 channels
my dad and my brother to the same thing
one would think it would be a bit different now when we have a tv where one can watch 2 channels at the same time but i am the only one that knows how to use it :D
MaidenMadness said:
my dad and my brother to the same thing
one would think it would be a bit different now when we have a tv where one can watch 2 channels at the same time but i am the only one that knows how to use it :D

LOL teach them but for the money
I was watching the Tsunami game on Sunday afternoon and something
occured to me.

There was a quiz which you had to fone in the answer.
And at the end they said Ask Bill Payer for permission to use the fone.

Who is 'Bill Payer'
Has anyone seen him or even met him :?
How can I ask him :?
Google didnt help either :(