Revontulet said:
rockin_plumber said:
After an important task today.......

Something occured to me.......

How do blind people know when to stop wiping their arse :?

smell and touch
nothing more, nothing less :banana:


Im not convinced that was the solution I was looking for :err:
Rockin, have you ever found any artifacts while plumbing?

In 2001, this guy in Italy was trying to fix some pipes under his house but he started finding cool ancient things. He kept digging and ended up unearthing thousands of artifacts that spanned over 2,000 years of history. They turned the house into a museum.

There was a Messapian (ancient Greek) tomb under there, part of a Franciscan chapel, stuff from the Knights Templar and Jesuits, a Roman granary, and a lot more. :eek:
The most we find are old bottles or old packets from crisps, cigarettes, chocolate bars or drink cans.

It’s quite interesting when we find old newspapers from 40 years ago..
It’s interesting seeing the adverts for new cars and how cheap they were and local news, and Liverpool news
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The most we find are old bottles or old packets from crisps, cigarettes, chocolate bars or drink cans.

It’s quite interesting when we find old newspapers from 40 years ago..
It’s interesting seeing the adverts for new cars and how cheap they were and local news, and Liverpool news
That's really cool dancingbanana.gifdancingbanana.gif

In one of my old jobs, stuff would arrive packed in old newspapers from other countries. We couldn't always read them but I liked looking at them. :cool: