Active Member
Helena Broder sobs over Terezin
They say that the wind was muzzled
and breathed neither on the leaves
nor on the children's bodies,
phantoms of life,
portents of death.
They say they had raised walls,
placed watchmen
The children had no pencils
under their arms,
only yellow stars:
Stars tied to the arms
of those children without offences,
without crimes, large or small.
They were children, only children
with their golden stars
and their dark suits
that only deepened the shadows
in that remote place
in that timeless time,
among breathless winds.
And the children learned to follow
the breath of the movement of things
They saw the light of God on the barbed wire
They say that the wind was muzzled
and breathed neither on the leaves
nor on the children's bodies,
phantoms of life,
portents of death.
They say they had raised walls,
placed watchmen
The children had no pencils
under their arms,
only yellow stars:
Stars tied to the arms
of those children without offences,
without crimes, large or small.
They were children, only children
with their golden stars
and their dark suits
that only deepened the shadows
in that remote place
in that timeless time,
among breathless winds.
And the children learned to follow
the breath of the movement of things
They saw the light of God on the barbed wire