SexyDevilGirl said:
I'm lost :?
YOU NEVER HEARD OF PATCHES THREAD ON IMBB :? it was so ................................................................................ there was some counting in it.(well at the later stages at least) every user would post a number that followed the previous number example you post 1, i post 2, rockin posts 3.....etc
and if some number is repeted twice(example you and i post the number at the same time) the counting begins from the start :err:
MaidenMadness said:
YOU NEVER HEARD OF PATCHES THREAD ON IMBB :? it was so ................................................................................ there was some counting in it.(well at the later stages at least) every user would post a number that followed the previous number example you post 1, i post 2, rockin posts 3.....etc
and if some number is repeted twice(example you and i post the number at the same time) the counting begins from the start :err:
you forgot to mention that every so often someone would butt in and say they had 9 patches LOL
MaidenMadness said:
YOU NEVER HEARD OF PATCHES THREAD ON IMBB :? it was so ................................................................................ there was some counting in it.(well at the later stages at least) every user would post a number that followed the previous number example you post 1, i post 2, rockin posts 3.....etc
and if some number is repeted twice(example you and i post the number at the same time) the counting begins from the start :err:

MaidenMadess is right, there we're at least 9 people at it all together :shock: