Paris's Maiden gig : they ripped up Paris !!!!!

wicker nomad said:
:banana: :banana:

How much does it cost to get to the top :?

(Adults/Children +12)
1st floor 4,10 €
2nd floor 7,50 €
Top 10,70 €
Stairs + 25 years old
1st & 2nd floors 3,80 €

Stair entrance rates, less than 25 years of age: 3€
(Access to stairs leading to the first and second floors of the Eiffel Tower
requires proof of age identification.)
powerslave87 said:
Have a good time everyone!
Thanks Ben :wink:

I sense the same kind of knackeredness as Iceland though LOL
I only got half hours sleep :| Was so hot tonight, when I did doze off it started thundering :(
Oh well...lots of coffee :D
wicker nomad said:
Thanks Ben :wink:

I sense the same kind of knackeredness as Iceland though LOL
I only got half hours sleep :| Was so hot tonight, when I did doze off it started thundering :(
Oh well...lots of coffee :D


I'm still recovering from that LOL :err:

Everytime I'm tired I blame it on Iceland! Come back with some good pics anyway 8)