Orange Juice


The Plumber That Rocks
:err: Something inspired me to start this thread
:err: Lets try to keep it on topic
:err: You know you can
:err: Lets have your thoughts about Orange Juice
:err: Whats ur favourite make of orange juice
:err: Do you have fantasies about orange juice
:err: You get the idea

:D :D :D
I like Tesco''s OJ, i like the juice with Bits in. It tastes best after a bowl of Alpen, or even a nice bacon sarnie or fry up :D ...........

........tastes best with Champagne actually :err:
I kicked an orange juice carton on the way to the van this morning.

Some lout had thrown it on the path outside my door :x
we don't have orange juice anymore :(
thou it hurted to drink it 'cause my mouth is full of wounds... donno why :|
I don't know for you but me, when I'm in front of the set of shelves to the supermarket, I hate this 'cause you have millions of different orange juices and a question arrive to your mind :

OMG which one !!!!!! must do the choice between real orange juice (100% orange) or synthetic one ( :x ) or with fruit pulp :? :?

a real problem for me :(
the_nomad said:
I don't know for you but me, when I'm in front of the set of shelves to the supermarket, I hate this 'cause you have millions of different orange juices and a question arrive to your mind :

OMG which one !!!!!! must do the choice between real orange juice (100% orange) or synthetic one ( :x ) or with fruit pulp :? :?

a real problem for me :(
Real 100% is the best ;)
with french toast and baloney :shock: *drools*