Now reading.....

rockin_plumber said:
:err: our Water Rates bill

If we had a water meter I am sure I could get our water much cheaper :err:
I was thinking the same this morning...but think the amount of washing I do would be more much is your bill?
wicker nomad said:
I was thinking the same this morning...but think the amount of washing I do would be more much is your bill?

£175.... aboot £17.50 a month

But water meters are bye-passable :err:
rockin_plumber said:
£175.... aboot £17.50 a month

But water meters are bye-passable :err:
Fukin hell :shock: I know everyone's always saying that southwest water is expensive....but didn't have a clue what other companys charge :shock:

I wouldn't moan about yours :wink: ours is £440 :| :x
wicker nomad said:
Fukin hell :shock: I know everyone's always saying that southwest water is expensive....but didn't have a clue what other companys charge :shock:

I wouldn't moan about yours :wink: ours is £440 :| :x

:shock: :shock: :shock: £440

:err: maybe they know about you filling the swimming pool
rockin_plumber said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: £440

:err: maybe they know about you filling the swimming pool

I know they charge everyone grabbing bastards :|
This quote:

roger waters:
"I had at one point this rather depressing image of some alien culture seeing the death of this planet - coming down in their spaceships and sniffing around; finding all our skeletons sitting around our TV sets and trying to work out why our end came before its time and they come to the conclusion that we amused ourselves to death.."

* Amused to Death syndicate Radio Premiere, 1992
A really girlie book :oops: The Farmer want a wife....can't remember who wrote it, and it's upstairs by my bed, can't be arsed to look :err: It's bloody funny :D
Trying to read the Hello thread but due to crap internet control things I cant :x

I might go and try looking in the library..