Now Playing

The Black Crowes - goodbuye daughters of the revolution 8)
Listening to Luke practicing for tonights gig...loudly LOL

It's at a classic and custom bike show....hope it stays dry :err:

Just realised i'm gonna miss eurovision LOL
Children of Bodom (again)

I'm in a finnish metal mood=]=]

Angels Dont Kill

Awesome tune if only for the fact that christian bale is speaking at the beginning :D

*plays along*
*alexi plays random sweep*

I hate you and your talent grrr!!!

Lurving the guitars though mwahaa
*makes plan to steal*
I have absolutly No Idea rockyxD
but i'd say the bullring if you mean fort dunlop shopping park?
cause theres the shopping place in fort dunlop, a good nandos...then moterway
with bullring you've got a whole bunch of place ye can head to if you get bored=]
(I only posted it here so you'd get he reply! No moaning at me for off topic! you started it! xD)


Children of Bodom- Triple Corpse Hammerblow :edmetal:
Steel Panther - Girl From Oklahoma :edlighter:

Well, I bet you never guessed
When you came to the show
You'd be getting on the bus with me
And doing some blow
your mama's in the parking lot
Looking for you
She's gonna find you when I'm done
All covered with goo
Oooh, mama's little girl got all sticky


Tainaka Sachi- Kirameku Namida wa Hoshi ni =]

Great tune=]

I blame awesome animie series which it's from=]
any random japanese anime that has Arthur (as in King) as the lead warrior has my vote=]