Now Playing

the cult - sun king

manic said:
:shock: my mum listens to that
sonic temple we got it downstairs

ahah too young to know that. But listen, you'll enjoy it.
Ian Astbury (the singer) is the new singer of the doors :banana:
the_nomad said:
N.P : medicine train

P.S : sorry I haven't the Wurzels :D

The Wurzels rock :banana: LOL :banana: they are playing near me soon :shock:

Of course i've seen them before, but i had drunk a lot of farmhouse scrumpy at the time :err:

"Where be that blackbird to, i know where he be,
He be up yon Wurzel tree, and i be after hee.
I see's he, he see's i, buggered if i don't get im.
With a gert big stick, i'll knock he down, blackbird i'll have eeee"

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: LOL LOL LOL LOL