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Ramones - I just want to have something to do (live in Barcelona)


ahhhh...the memories...I had a Ramones tribute band ages ago...I was the singer 8)
Bouville said:
Ramones - I just want to have something to do (live in Barcelona)


ahhhh...the memories...I had a Ramones tribute band ages ago...I was the singer 8)

I'd love to see that 8)

NP: TON-I don't wanna be me :|
SexyDevilGirl said:
I'd love to see that 8)

NP: TON-I don't wanna be me :|

Those were great times, different than when I had my grindcore band... this was much fun, the grindcore stuff was really wild :shock:

Np. Amorphis - Thousand Lakes

Bouville said:
Those were great times, different than when I had my grindcore band... this was much fun, the grindcore stuff was really wild :shock:

Np. Amorphis - Thousand Lakes


how wild? :shock:

NP:TON-Life is killing me :cross: :cross: :cross: :cross:
SexyDevilGirl said:
how wild? :shock:

NP:TON-Life is killing me :cross: :cross: :cross: :cross:

Playing in really shitty clubs in down town Lima, abuse of alcohol, presence of different sort of drugs... we only toured once outside Lima and well... that was too crazy... :shock:
Bouville said:
Playing in really shitty clubs in down town Lima, abuse of alcohol, presence of different sort of drugs... we only toured once outside Lima and well... that was too crazy... :shock:

:shock: How crazy? tell me now :x

NP:TON- Angry inch :x :x
We left Lima in direction to the north, to the city of Trujillo, 8 hours from Lima. We were wasted and the guitar and drummer were stoned too. We sat at the back of the bus, those were the times when you could smoke at busses so we were smoking cigarrets and drinking... before reaching the police control the guitar player realized that he forgot his weed so he started screaming... "where is my fucking weed", he wanted to go back to Lima.

The driver complained with the police and they made some questions to us...they did a search and found nothing. The bassplayer had some "white stuff" very well hidden so happily nothing happened.

We reached Trujillo completely wasted...we had the gig the day after so we left our stuff and the house we were staying, went to have breakfast and went to the beach to keep drinking...the whole day...drinking and well...drugs were involved...

We went back to the city, had dinner and kept drinking, one of the guys put some valium pills on the beer jars so we were really weird that night....

We woke up with a horrible hungover...had breakfast and kept drinking...then we went to played soccer, some friends that arrived from Lima that morning joined us and well, they brought a LOT of weed.

We had lunch, took a shower and went to the radio for an interview...then went to do the sound check, we split there...every one was drinking by his own... everyone was giving me free beer and rum...

We joined together again by midnight... we played so well in spite of being so intoxicated...I still have the video of that concert...

After the gig we went home and kept drinking...the next day I was so bad, I could not even whole body was in pain...


Np. Amorphis - Fork of the North
SexyDevilGirl said:
:| sounds like me and my friends when we were teenagers. I don't really miss those days...

that much :evil:

I had the sme experience doing fieldwork a long time ago... the field archaeologist was almost and alcoholic and we were drinking a lot every single day for month...

Np. BLAZE - Tenth Dimension

Bouville said:
I had the sme experience doing fieldwork a long time ago... the field archaeologist was almost and alcoholic and we were drinking a lot every single day for month...

Np. BLAZE - Tenth Dimension


Pero que no tienes que quidarte? :|