Right.... tomoro I have to give this speech.....

I am shitting it quite frankly :err:

150 people at least at this wedding :err:

I may need a few drinkys b4 hand :oops:

Is it ok to have strongbow on my ricicles :?
rockin_plumber said:
Right.... tomoro I have to give this speech.....

I am shitting it quite frankly :err:

150 people at least at this wedding :err:

I may need a few drinkys b4 hand :oops:

Is it ok to have strongbow on my ricicles :?

you'll be the best one :headbang:

with some few strongbows :err:
rockin_plumber said:
Right.... tomoro I have to give this speech.....

I am shitting it quite frankly :err:

150 people at least at this wedding :err:

I may need a few drinkys b4 hand :oops:

Is it ok to have strongbow on my ricicles :?

Without a shadow of a doubt it is allowed :wink:
Guys, sorry i can't hang around much this evening. We are trying to pack our riot gear for Budapest, and i can't find any room for the bricks :|

We might have to take another bag, plus i can put me spare balaclava in it :D

Try and catch up with you later :) :grouphug:

And good luck rockin :banana: