Maiden Breeg said:
It's ok if you can afford engine oil! :wink:
Another Stella for mr maiden and another shiraz for mrs breeg thank you.......are you all good?!

you're welcome friend of beer LOL
Maiden Breeg said:
It's ok if you can afford engine oil! :wink:
Another Stella for mr maiden and another shiraz for mrs breeg thank you.......are you all good?!

So ur married Breegy... any little Breegys :)
rockin_plumber said:
So ur married Breegy... any little Breegys :)
Ok let's start fro the beginning shall we?
Maiden has been into Maiden for many years....Maiden got together with Breeg 5 years ago. Maiden introduced Breeg to Maiden...and now Breeg lkes Maiden! Sometimes Maiden puts replies and posts up. Maiden can read and write but is slightly dyslexic, so sometimes Breeg helps Maiden. Sometimes Breeg puts posts up as well....but Maiden and Breeg are always together, so you've no need to worry :) There's 1 question thhat Maiden & Breeg do hve tho..........................who the fuck IS Benjamin Breeg?!
Maiden Breeg said:
Ok let's start fro the beginning shall we?
Maiden has been into Maiden for many years....Maiden got together with Breeg 5 years ago. Maiden introduced Breeg to Maiden...and now Breeg lkes Maiden! Sometimes Maiden puts replies and posts up. Maiden can read and write but is slightly dyslexic, so sometimes Breeg helps Maiden. Sometimes Breeg puts posts up as well....but Maiden and Breeg are always together, so you've no need to worry :) There's 1 question thhat Maiden & Breeg do hve tho..........................who the fuck IS Benjamin Breeg?!

don't know is you answered to the rocky's question :err:
Maiden Breeg said:
Ok let's start fro the beginning shall we?
Maiden has been into Maiden for many years....Maiden got together with Breeg 5 years ago. Maiden introduced Breeg to Maiden...and now Breeg lkes Maiden! Sometimes Maiden puts replies and posts up. Maiden can read and write but is slightly dyslexic, so sometimes Breeg helps Maiden. Sometimes Breeg puts posts up as well....but Maiden and Breeg are always together, so you've no need to worry :) There's 1 question thhat Maiden & Breeg do hve tho..........................who the fuck IS Benjamin Breeg?!

2 users......... one name :shock: That could get confusing LOL
rockin_plumber said:
2 users......... one name :shock: That could get confusing LOL
Not at all dear friend....we're always here together so it doesn't make any difference, but Maiden is manuser and Breeg is ladyuser - but we are Maiden Breeg togetherusers!! ok?
:err: :err: :?
Maiden Breeg said:
Not at all dear friend....we're always here together so it doesn't make any difference, but Maiden is manuser and Breeg is ladyuser - but we are Maiden Breeg togetherusers!! ok?
:err: :err: :?

can't understand nithing now :anorak:

is there 2 maiden breeg, Mr & Mrs :? on the same user :?

please help frenchy breegy :|
deary mey Frenchy....have you been asleepy? LOL here we go asked me if there are any little Breegs and I said no...just the 2 black labs and some fish. Maiden (man) met Breeg (woman) 5 years ago. Maiden introduced Breeg to Breeg likes Maiden (both!) Maiden is slightly dyslexic so sometimes Breeg types for Maiden (hello i'm doing it now! love Breeg!) Sometimes Maiden types his own posts, but we're always on here together. Yes, you could call me the dictator LOL Maiden and Breeg are nearly married and are very happy.
It's a bloody good job we're not schizophrenic!!!! Do you understandy nowy Frenchy LOL :?