Ivan said:
you don't drink and eat till 3:30. WHY?

Oh, I suppose I should have said why,

in wrestling, you are placed in weight classes, so theres everything from 45 kilo class, to 90+ kilos... usually jumping to new weight classes every 3 - 5 kilos.

the goal is to get into the lightest weight class that you can.

we were at the point where we weren't allowed to change weight classes inbetween regionals and provincals, so I had to stay the same weight, kind of hard when I was sick and I as eating like a fiene trying to stay up there. I ended up drinking as much water as I could getting up into my weight class, then I got sick and was about three kilos under my weight class.... I fought fat ass people :|
Bockaaarck said:
Glider :banana: :D

hi bocky