Active Member
MaidenMadness said:dont bother - it sucks
same as all of the other wmps
Well i once downloaded a winamp but it was even worst than wmp so i'll give a try with the 10.....
MaidenMadness said:dont bother - it sucks
same as all of the other wmps
qcd player rocks :banana: :banana:maiden89 said:Well i once downloaded a winamp but it was even worst than wmp so i'll give a try with the 10.....
MaidenMadness said:qcd player rocks :banana: :banana:
good for listening music but doesn't have any library :|maiden89 said:I never used it!
I'll give a try to it one of this days!
I've had no trouble with 10....9 was shitMaidenMadness said:dont bother - it sucks
same as all of the other wmps
wicker nomad said:I've had no trouble with 10....9 was shit
9 was shit i agree but not as big as 10 iswicker nomad said:I've had no trouble with 10....9 was shit
mine did an auto update thingymaiden89 said:I had a problem with my download....where did you downloaded yours from?
:withstupid:wicker nomad said:I've had no trouble with 10....9 was shit
Loaded it from one music sharing site :wink:maiden89 said:Which programm do you use?
i hate that program :x :x :x :x :x :x :xewil said:emule