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Ben said:
Yep, I think I want standing now though :( after hearing this Trivium album I want to go in the moshpits LOL LOL

you should get a standing ticket! I just can't watch in seating :(
sixxy said:
you should get a standing ticket! I just can't watch in seating :(
Could I swap it maybe? :err:

I dont mind where I am to be honest, I just like the view from seating :)
Ben said:
I dont mind where I am to be honest, I just like the view from seating :)
I do too :wink: Standing I have to stand on tiptoe and still can't see fuck all LOL or my bag in Dublin last year :oops: LOL You can still scream, shout and go nuts from seats...I've never actually sat on my seat, stood on it a few times :err: