New material for the hub



To cintribuate to the lossless bub, I rite some reviews of gigs. But now, I have something isn't on the hub. I have a DVD of Montreal 1983. I would like to put it on the hub, but, I don't have a DVD burner. How could I put it on the hub? How could I put the DVD in a compatible format that people could download?

Thanks to help me. You can respond in PM or reply to this.

You don't need DVD burner, just DVD-ROM. Here it is what you have to do:

- download WinRAR if you don't have it
- select VIDEO_TS folder from DVD in winrar and "Add files to archive"
- in dialog set compression method = store
- split in volumes = 52,428,000
- archive name = 1983-xx-xx Montreal DVD
- when you finish create md5 file
- share it :)
Tanks so much,

I'll try all these instructions. How can I do md5 files? With wich program?

Thanks so much.
Next week, I will probably have new bootlegs that aren't on the hub:

Québec 1987
Québec 1988
Québec 1990 (or 1991)
Québec 1999
Montréal 2000
Québec 2003
Québec 2004

Montréal 1999 DVD

I want to add all them on the hub.

How can I transfer a CD bootleg in losless to put it on the hub?

Thanks so much Bobo for your explanation.
Yes it exists. Everyone could reccord a gig, but may keep it for them and you will never know that.

I know someone who have them.