New Hauls

rockin_plumber said:
ANY morning :|
alarm clocks are most irritating on monday mornings
at least to me
o hate their sound but never as much as on monday mornings

this semester i have been spared so the first(and only) time in the week i have to set my alarm clock on is on wednesday :err:
wicker nomad said: There's the rest of the meal LOL
speaking of idiots on ebay
i heard on cnn news today that some guy earned almost 12000 euro for a piece of papers that had germany 2006 written on it

who in their righteous mind would pay 12000 euro for that
for fucks sake i sell you peiece of paper that has germany 2006 on it for a nicker
fuck i'll give you an entire notebook so you could write whatever you want to for the price :roll:
my newest haul

The Ultimate Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy
all 5 books + one special story about zaphrod's youth
all in very fancy black leather cover with golden letters
and the edges of every page have been covered with golden color

very fancy and very cheap, only 130 kunas(cca 10 pounds uk sterling)