The Plumber That Rocks
rockin_plumber said:If you read through the thread called "Who wants Fester back"
it will all become clear LOL
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Look in the
rockin_plumber said:If you read through the thread called "Who wants Fester back"
it will all become clear LOL
why don't i recall that?rockin_plumber said:.oO( I am in so much shit if he shows up now :err: He got a bit irate last time I dissed him)
What are you lot talking about
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOLrockin_plumber said::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Look in thecorrect thread manic
MaidenMadness said:why don't i recall that?
ps. this was a retorical question
well oiver here we say retoricko pitanje so i tought you would spell it simmilarrockin_plumber said:MM you have let me down.
It is rhetorical :|
tv threadrockin_plumber said:Yes but he did make a point of coming back 5 or 6 different occasions as I recall LOL
I think it was in the TV licence thread :?
i didlook in the correct thread manic
manic said:i did
LOLrockin_plumber said:Read my quote at the top :x
rockin_plumber said:Read my quote at the top :x
that smilie looks like he's suffering from stomachachewicker nomad said:
yep....caused by laughing too much LOLMaidenMadness said:that smilie looks like he's suffering from stomachache
i did but i thought there would be something else about him in the tv lisence thingrockin_plumber said:Read my quote at the top :x