Need Any DVDs from My List?


I feel guilty for not contributing to the hub in a long while, so I would like to share anything from my DVD list, to repay for all of the DVDs & Lossless audio that I have gotten from the hub. I do not have any 'new' Maiden, but I have many, many, dvds from other classic hard rock artists that I could share! Only catch is that someone with a 10MB must host the DVDs! I can only upload each dvd one time or my room mate will kill me for eating up all of our bandwidth! My list is mainly up to date with the exception of some Maiden DVDs, which I got from the hub. I also have some Guns N Roses, and Motley Crue that is not listed yet, as I just got them....

If anyone wants anything from my list, and can host it on a 10mb connection, make your requests!

Thanks to all of the great hub contributors!

Milan My DVD list.
Seems that I accidentally deleted the title page of my site last night while updating. That error, has been corrected. Site is back up, feel free to make your picks.

Thanks Again!
