My Iron Maiden Site

Hi everyone:
It's been a long time since my last visit here.
Anyway, I wanted to inform you about my new Iron Maiden site.
My site contains a list of Maiden links and soon it will have a news section.

Copy this link to your address bar and check it out:

I'm sorry, from some reason the site doesn't work.
I'll try to upload my page to somewhere else and then I'll give you the correct address.


Please delete this whole thread and forgive me for the trouble.
I'm not trying to gain any extra posts.

Thanks again

the_assassin90 said:
I'm sorry, but the service doesn't work.
I'll try to upload my page to somewhere else and then I'll give you the correct address.


please delete this thread and forgive me for the erroneus posting

Thanks again

good work LOL LOL
dude , i must tell you, there are many mistakes on your info page about the band. fix it quickly :wink:
Jon said:
If you've got a new maiden or maiden-related site and want to promote it, post in this thread.

Other threads created for this purpose will be edited/deleted/locked at the discretion of the management.

This includes promotion in sigs, or even manually putting promotional links into your own posts. We dont run a BB so that others can promote sites, we run it for people to chat.

As of today, 9th February 2004 any offending promotional links will be edited/deleted as appropriate if they arent voluntarily removed. This is basically one of our few rules, and we'd appreciate it if you could follow it.

Respect between webmasters and all..


Here is the thread where you can do so
Yes I know they might be some mistakes, but that just a temporary page.
I'm preparing something bigger and better with more info and pictures.
