MP3 downloading


Active Member
just realised we never disucussed this topic
well not on here, and by my experience every music related forum has this thread
well now so do we :D
anyways what are your views on mp3 downloading?
sure it takes money away from the band, the record companies, and stuff like that they evcerybody talks about
but what some artists like metallica for example seem to forget is this. there are millions and millions of bands out there that aren't household names like metallica and they dont get much airplay on tv or radio stations and for those bands internet and mp3 is the best possible way of reaching out to fans. for example there was this german power metal band called human fortress. if it wasn't for the mp3s i would have never heard about them let alone their music.
sure if 1000 out of people that download an album for free lets say 10 of them like it and become fans than surely band can overlook those 990 people that didnt like that album. cause these 10 fans will probably go around telling their friends about this band, thus possibly creating new fans, maybe they will buy the cds they downloaded, they will go to see this band live, maybe buy a tshirt....aren't all of these things better that 990 more albums sold?
imo mp3s opened up new possibilites to the bands possibilities most of them aren't even aware of. so my opinion would be that instead of trying to prevent people downloading their music for free they should take advantage of the huge possibilities that offers. instant promotion worldwide for no cost at all just leek the album on the net and let people do the rest...
or stay in 20th century stay oldfashioned and let time run you over. its their call after all
for the few years, everything will be free, mp3 downloading will be legally, divx also
Theres an interview wher steve harris says that he'd prefer people to download maiden for free than not listen too it at all. Also he says that lots of the fans will buy the album anyway which is what I do.
I guess it depends what you're downloading. I know some people who download stuff and never buy albums. That sort of thing will kill the music industry. I think having the opportunity to download a few tracks to listen to to decide if an album is worth buying is a good thing - after all most of the stuff I like is never going to be played on the radio or in the local pub so I can't preview it that way.

So - downloading is good, leeching off the music industry is bad!
les2007 said:
I guess it depends what you're downloading. I know some people who download stuff and never buy albums. That sort of thing will kill the music industry. I think having the opportunity to download a few tracks to listen to to decide if an album is worth buying is a good thing - after all most of the stuff I like is never going to be played on the radio or in the local pub so I can't preview it that way.

So - downloading is good, leeching off the music industry is bad!

Good sense there les2007
I don't know how different it is for the large bands, but another group I like is Hayseed Dixie. Their view is, they get verry little from the sale of each album but plenty from the sale of merchandise and tickets. So download all you want but go to a gig and buy a t-shirt to attone for your sins LOL
If you go to you can download any MP3 for free. I downloaded many of my favourite songs ranging from Iron Maiden to least-known artists from that site. :wink: